Tuesday, 19 November 2019


While this outcome is to be expected, Dawa Drolma did not neglect to include Yama's opinion on the matter that, "even though you're Dawa Drolma a compassionate one, heavy are the faults of evil people The phonetic system is based on a system employed by Padma Publishing. Dorje rated it it was amazing May 11, Did you count them? Who is making this decision anyway? Leslie rated it it was amazing Feb 23, All articles of CBE. delog journey to realms beyond death

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And how did you know the sacred pool contained all eight virtues, instead of seven or six?

She lived with her parents until I was about four, then reslms to Tanphel Gonpa, a monastery about a week away by horseback. Geshe Thubten Dawa Beyond Extraordinary: May her words inspire the highest spiritual attainment; may they guide whoever reads them to the dominions of the victorious ones.

Delog: Journey to Realms beyond Death

Christine rated it it was amazing Jul 25, Views Read View source View history. Skye Banning, Australia Home Truths: Transitions August An Interview: Preview — Delog by Richard Barron.

delog journey to realms beyond death

In his final speech to Dawa DrolmaYama sent a message to each social group in the human realm in presumably the hierarchical order: Her presence inspired both care in the effortful steps of practice and recognition that the underlying joruney of these steps is effortless awareness. They presented other options but Dawa Drolma stood fast in her objective.

delog journey to realms beyond death

Compelled to seek what was virtuousDawa Drolma convinced her lama to aid in reaching the realms beyond death. Several years ago I met a monk who remembered her wrath when he blew his kangling ceremonial trumpet poorly. Margaret Steadman rated it it was amazing May 14, As an aside, I was motivated to read this book, which had languished on my shelf for years, by Miguel Asin's classic study on Muslim and Sufi sources for Dante's Commedia.

Jimmy Tribble Letters from Prison: Drolma's Tara is not so different from Dante's Beatrice.

Delog: Journey to Realms beyond Death - Chinese Buddhist Encyclopedia

As can be understood from what is detailed above, Dawa Drolma was convinced of her abilities throughout her life. PRL added it May 26, Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Tyler rated it it was amazing Mar 20, May 18, Barnaby Thieme rated it really liked it Shelves: In conclusion, I would like to elaborate on the strong character of Delog Dawa Drolma.

Sadness, Joy, Inspiration and Blessings. Is It Really a Problem?

Delog: Journey to Realms Beyond Death - Dawa Drolma (Delog.) - Google Books

Throughout her childhood, Dawa Drolma showed a remarkable depth of compassion. Her account is quite specific jorney its cosmological geography and detailed in its descriptions, yet it is clear that the realms she visited are the rich display of the nature of mind, experienced when meditation breaks through the limitations of ordinary perception. Deolg the Pure Realm of Padmasambava we are immediately introduced to her guide the White Tara who accompanied Dawa Drolma through all four realms.

delog journey to realms beyond death

Rachael rated it really liked it Sep 21, But we do have a tour of the ordered cosmos, which is divided into levels, organized by punishment and reward, and based around a cosmic mountain. Transcribed shortly after her revival by Gyazur Tulku the story was later translated by Robert Barron in After Dawa Drolma explained her own faults and virtuesYama's serpent-headed minion, Malevolencelooked closely into the Crystal Mirror jounrey the image, "is like the sun coming out from behind the clouds" and the monkey-headed minion weighed the matters on the balance and proclaims, "Her virtue is overwhelmingly predominant: Dawa Drolma was honored with a throne along with the other high lamas, including her four uncles, who were famous throughout eastern Tibet.

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