At a 10x oversampling, you get 2. Remember Me Forgot Your Password? They didn't have a useful frequency range, or the software was written, well, by engineers not user-interface experts. USB oscilloscopes used to be a bit of a novelty. BUT, since you have two channels, you have to split than again in 2, meaning a maximum of 1. Tired of using the normal probes that come with the DSO Quad?
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This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Getting Started with the PropScope v1. USB oscilloscopes used to be a bit of a novelty. Parallax is a company with a bunch of smart people, and some excellent technology. BUT, since you have two channels, you have to split than again in 2, meaning a maximum of 1.
There's even propwcope expansion card, which offers these additional features: From the technical documentation, the PropScope offers the following features: This item was manufactured prior to August 31, Don't Have an Account?
They didn't have a useful frequency range, or the software was written, well, by engineers not user-interface experts.
If you select the 2V range to measure it with, the PropScope will return a value of 1. Expect the PropScope to develop into a very useful tool! That's the closest number of the steps available between the range of 0 and 2V. The PropScope will split the voltage range you by steps to make it's measurement.
Understanding Signals with the PropScope Parts & Text Kit | | Parallax Inc
And of course, you want as much accuracy as possible, so always select a voltage range as close to the prospcope voltage as you are expecting to measure! Beyond the capabilities as an oscilloscope, the PropScope has other very useful features that round it out as a solid workbench companion:. Let's start with the term "bits of resolution". PropScope Schematic rev A [Documentation]: What does that mean?
Sort of useful; more of a joke. Here's another way of thinking of it.
At a 10x oversampling, you get 2. The PropScope makes it's measurements with 10 bits of resolution over 1, 2, 10, or 20 volt peak-to-peak waveforms.
PropScope USB Oscilloscope
This exceptionally flexible wire is perfect for wearable applications - super noodley and smooth. Small and powered from a separate source, this green LED voltmeter is a handy monitoring popscope. General consensus is that you need approximately 10X the frequency of what you are measuring to get a reasonably accurate idea of what the signal is doing.
Tired of using the normal probes that come with the DSO Quad? Beyond the capabilities as an oscilloscope, the PropScope has other very useful features that round it out as a solid workbench companion: You Might Also Like [ Hide ].
PropScope - 2 Channel Oscilloscope :: Solarbotics
Function Generator Logic Analyzer watch a bunch of microcontroller pins all at the same time Spectrum Analyzer see what frequencies make up that noise Pgopscope Scope Fortunately, Parallax has been keeping up development of their own USB-based oscilloscopes, and have leveraged their skill with the particularly powerful Propeller microcontroller into this latest version.
A very handy pass-through USB device that displays voltage and current at the same time. Of course, you can trade off accuracy for more speed if that's what you need.
Ok, so what does that mean to you? So you are going from a measuring accuracy of 0. IR emitter and receiver in one package for close-range optical detection sold individually.
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