Thursday, 28 November 2019


The PABX decides which provider to dial on the basis of three zone definitions. During the remote switching connection, this subscriber is barred for incoming calls. You have now defined your PABX as a networked system. Zones 00, 06 and 16 are used for Easy Select. You would like to configure your DIS 1 call distribution with the following weekly profile: ackermann euracom 141 software

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A distinction is only possible in the telephone display.

You have now configured the control elements for use as MOH switches. In order to configure a furacom sub-system", your PABX must be defined as a remote sub-system as follows: Enter actuator 1 or 2: Enter subscriber LCR selection: In case of a multiple subscriber con- nectionseveral PABX connections with different telephone numbers or a combina- tion of PABX connection and multiple subscriber connection in some rare cases not the right telephone number may be transferred.

Switching Call Distributions Manually Chapters Table Of Contents 3 2. Creating a Pick-Up group When creating a Pick-Up group, you actually group specific subscribers in order to restrict the picking-up of calls to a smaller subscriber group.

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You have now specified the type of terminal device for a specific subscriber. Other things you can do Enter DIS port 1 or 2: Program the main system call number as follows: Right Around Telephone Conversations 11 3.

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This sets the daytime call-forwarding response time to S26 1 0 S1 30 seconds for all days. Calls cannot be forwarded to a collective number! Call Diversion "unconditional" From Remote Being obtainable everywhere: Enter code for connecting main system to external line. Do you need a help? You can specify which subscribers are to be reached via this central call.

All other items are menu-prompted.

To capture outgoing calls, your network provider has to provide you with charge informations. The period that passes between the alarm contact being triggered and the actual alarm being sounded. Enter time in format hhmm.

If you have only received a single-digit DDI block from your network provider 0 - 9you must indicate to the PABX which internal subscriber is available under which single-digit DDI number by means of assignment. Here, you specify whether you have a multiple subscriber connection or a PABX connection and then configure your connection according to the connection type, e. AVA Call distribution - Designation for the distribution of central calls. You have now specified the call distribution.

The actuator can only be switched on or off from an internal telephone with master authorisation.

Euracom Configuration Guide

Call Diversion "unconditional Authorisations Assigning authorisation for private calls You can assign each 1411 of your PABX individual authorisation to conduct private calls.

With intercom it is possible from every tele- phone on your PABX: Page 57 - Determining, which telephone number will Call Diversion "unconditional" From Remote Altigen Altiware OE 4. You would like to configure your DIS 1 call distribution with the following weekly profile: Your external interfaces are configured as multiple subscriber connections or PABX connections, depending on the design of your network provider's connection. You have now assigned a subscriber to a group.

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